Janes Spinal Care is different than other offices that do chiropractic adjustments in Greenville, SC. We offer personalized treatment plans for each client because we understand that there is not a “one size fits all” solution when it comes to each patient’s own unique needs. There are many different possible variables that can contribute to pain and discomfort. Our goal at Janes Spinal Care is to identify, correct, monitor and eliminate the CAUSE of the issue, not just treat conditions indefinitely!
Our new client onboarding process starts with a FREE consultation to help you identify WHY you might be experiencing discomfort. By properly educating you on what is occurring to cause your pain or discomfort, Janes Spinal Care is able to work with each client on their custom treatment plan to achieve LONG TERM relief from pain and discomfort.
Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which doctors of chiropractic use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure is to improve spinal motion and improve your body’s physical function by removing interference to the nervous system. Learn more about our chiropractic adjustment in Greenville, SC by calling Janes Spinal Care Today!
A full body chiropractic adjustment focuses on your whole body, resulting in increased mobility and less pain. This treatment addresses misaligned and aching joints with a variety of chiropractic techniques. Most of the time, our chiropractor in Greenville, SC will adjust your spine to help soothe your body aches.
Spinal alignment is achieved through a specific spinal adjustment, wherein the chiropractor gently stretches, thrusts, and applies pressure as they see fit until the spine is more optimally aligned. Chiropractors are trained and licensed to apply various techniques in order to provide individualized chiropractic care. They will begin with a full “needs assessment” prior to treatment. Once a plan of action is determined, they will use specific controlled forces based on your pain points, keeping in mind any underlying conditions. As a patient, the only difference you will feel is in the level of pressure applied and the speed of application.
Our chiropractor in Greenville, SC is likely to utilize one of the most common chiropractic techniques, involving a strong directional thrust directly into the joint. As pressure is released from the joints, there will be an audible “pop” or “crack,” which is nothing more than air escaping the affected area. Upon this release, you could or may feel immediate relief. So, the answer to “how long a chiropractic adjustment takes to work” is actually immediately! Some patients experience slight discomfort during or after their chiropractic adjustment, but most do not describe it as painful.
In addition, chiropractors can most the time help with a variety of different musculoskeletal pain anywhere in your body: in your head and jaws, shoulders, elbows and wrists, hips and pelvis and your knees and ankles.
Chiropractic appointments, and the time it takes to realign your spine through a chiropractic adjustment, tend to be quite short for the most part. Appointments typically range from 45 minutes to 1 hour. Because your first chiropractic appointment will involve a full needs assessment, expect to be there for around 90 minutes. This will give the chiropractic team enough time to fully understand what is bothering you, what conditions you may have, and to create a personalized treatment plan for you to get started.
The time required to adjust your spine using chiropractic adjustments is usually very short. The average appointment lasts between 45-60 minutes. Expect to spend around 90 minutes on your first appointment with chiropractic. This will include a complete needs assessment. The Doctor will take approximately 45 minutes to assess your condition and create a customized treatment plan.
The length of your appointment for a chiropractic adjustment will depend on many factors. Your spine alignment and the reason you are experiencing misalignment will determine how many adjustments you need. You can expect to have 1-2 sessions per week for the first month. A personalized treatment plan will be created for you. This will determine how often you need to book adjustments.
Your clothes shouldn’t restrict your movement when you visit our Greenville chiropractic office for a Greenville, SC adjustment. They should allow you to move freely and be able to lay down. This is easier with loose clothing. Wear comfortable running pants, yoga pants, or leggings with a loose shirt.
Relief! After the initial adjustment, we typically can see immediate change in just a short time due to the nature of the Specific Upper Cervical work. .
Better life expression due to proper functioning brainstem and nervous system.
Low back pain can be treated with chiropractic adjustments in Greenville, SC. However, most research shows only a slight benefit – similar to more conventional treatments. Research suggests that spinal adjustments can also be used to treat headaches and other conditions related to the spine, such as neck pain.
Chiropractic adjustments are not for everyone. It all depends on your individual situation. Chiropractic adjustment may not be the best choice if your symptoms do not improve after several weeks.
Janes Spinal Care offers personalized chiropractic treatment programs using Chiropractic adjustment. Contact our team of chiropractic professionals today to schedule your consultation!
A chiropractor adjustment can reduce the pain in your neck and back. Chiropractic care is cheaper than any other method of managing back pain. This will allow you to reduce your pain levels and also lower your medical expenses. Janes Spinal Care can help you learn more about chiropractic adjustments in Greenville, SC.
Two-thirds of all reactions involve local discomfort within the treatment area. The next most common reaction is pain in other areas, such as fatigue or headache (10%) Rarely, nausea, dizziness and “other” reactions are reported (5%).
It’s normal to adjust multiple times per week when you are starting a new treatment program. Your body will begin to heal and you might only need to have adjustments once per week. If you’re in pain and want to keep your lifestyle the same, an adjustment might be all you need.
Sleeping on your side is another way to help keep your spine aligned, so that you alleviate unnecessary pressure in the back, and help your body recover while in its most natural position.
Signs that your spine may be out of alignment are:
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850C Wade Hampton Blvd Suite 2-C, Greenville, SC 29609